Today?s prospective client is an educated, sophisticated, well-informed and technically savvy professional. Therefore, if you want to play in the game, you must be current on technology as well. Below are the top ten technical tools you need to understand and utilize. You do not have to be an expert in each, but you certainly need to be very literate in every area.
1. Cell Phone & Laptop ? Seems like a given. However, you need to invest in a late model mobile phone that can properly surf the web and handle all email formats and more. In addition, a modern laptop, with wireless internet connectivity is essential.
2. PowerPoint ? The ability to create and distribute multimedia presentations is fundamental. Burn CDs or DVDs; imprint your name and logo. It can help you look very professional.
3. Email ? Email used to be a simple way to send a message. Today, it is a mega, multimedia outlet and platform for mass marketing that is affordable.
4. CRM ? While Customer Relationships Management does not specifically mean technology or software, you must utilize a sophisticated database management system. If you are still trying to manage your contacts and sales activities via an email program or a spreadsheet, you are a dinosaur.
5. Website & SEO ? If you build it, they will come: not necessarily. Not only do you need a quality website, but also a sound internet marketing strategy and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques to drive traffic to you.
6. Social Networking ? Wherever millions of people gather, many of them potential clients, you had better be there as well. Establish a presence in the social media market.
7. Article Directories ? One of the best ways to create internet presence is to write quality, informative articles (or have them written for you) and post them all over the internet with back-links to your site.
8. Virtual Office ? Technology that will allow you to touch and feel clients and prospects from across the globe is essential today. Get familiar with tools like GoToMyPC and Skype.
9. Text Messaging ? Texting today is what email was yesterday. More than a way to stay in touch and get instant feedback, you can send photos, video and more via text: another reason why you need a late model cell phone.
10. YouTube ? Speaking of social media and videos, there is YouTube, which you can look at two ways: 1. A childish toy used for amusement. Or 2. A world wide medium that allows you to create, produce and launch full-scale, multimedia television style commercials, potentially viewable by millions, virtually free.
Stay up-to-speed on these ten techno tools, and you will be in the game!
Sean McPheat is regarded as a leading authority on modern day selling. Sean has appeared on CNN, ITV, BBC and has over 250 other media credits to his name. Sean founded MTD Sales Training in 2001 and since then they have helped over 50,000 staff. Please visit Sean?s Sales Blog for his latest musings and tips. Sean also offers free audios, videos and sales tips.
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