The July 4th issue of Fortune Magazine features a cover story entitled ?Pulling Off the Ultimate Career Makeover? by Douglas Alden Warshaw.
The article has some sobering statistics about the job market and recent recession. These two stats caught my eye:
?Job creation is at its lowest point since 1980, while job destruction continues to rise (attributed to disruptive technologies). A full 12.6% of the workforce lost their jobs in the past recessing, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics? Displaced Worker Survey. That?s the highest rate since at least 1981.?
??you will change your professional identity frequently ? maybe even as often as you spruce up your living room. The youngest baby boomers (those born from 1957 to 1964) held an average of 11 jobs from ages 18-44. The Denali Group predicts that Generation & will have 15-25 jobs in their lifetime.?
The article also highlights five case studies of seasoned (i.e., older and more experienced) professionals who have had to reinvent themselves in order to survive the economic downturn and industry disruptions that have led to so many job losses.
Interestingly, the author gives six rules for re-inventors ? things to keep in mind and to action in order to reinvent yourself and your career:
- Get on-line: these days reinvention is digital. You?re never too old to learn about social media. It will increase your visibility and access- two things you?ll need to reinvent your career.
- Start from scratch: so much has changed about our industries and professionals. Don?t try to hang on to the old ways and old paradigm. Time to embrace the new and different.
- Learn by doing: forget about perfection, there?s power in trying. Why not write your own article to boost your visibility and thought-leadership. Or maybe it?s time for you to build your own web site or blog ? to build YOUR personal brand.
- Share the wealth: sharing raises your personal brand and network equity. Don?t keep your knowledge to yourself. (why not share this blog article with others?)
- Cut back fast: reinvention is more doable if you are financially fit and have adequate savings to whether the change. Social status and luxury possessions will not help you reinvent your career. It?s time to prioritize
- Prioritize Your Passions: plot out your passions and skill sets. You will find that there is an intersection between what you like to do and what you do well.
Business Networking to the Rescue
I believe that career invention is made much easier when you have a robust professional network at your disposal. The time and energy you have spent in the past creating and maintaining many mutually-beneficial relationships will serve you well when it?s time to reinvent your career.? These are the people whom you go to first for feedback, ideas, connections and inspiration. These are the people you can discuss your crazy, wild, out-there ideas of what you could be doing next given your work experience, skill set and passions. Tap into them. They are a valuable resource for you!
Helpful Resources:
Your Networking Goal for this week:
Have lunch with someone in your professional network whom you value and trust. Open up the conversation with questions like ?What If?? and ?Why not??. Share ideas of how your career might look differently in the future. Ask the question, ?If money were not an issue, what would you be doing in your career right now??
I encourage you to share ideas even if they are undeveloped at this time.? This takes courage and trust. You may hear things you don?t want to hear. But re-invention takes guts and action. Dare to share the crazy career dreams that are in your head and heart with someone in your network. By letting the dream breathe fresh air, you are fueling its momentum and potential to become a reality for you.
Worst case scenario, you have a nice lunch with someone you like. Make time for it this week. Make time to reinvent your career (before the market does).
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