Sunday, December 4, 2011

Small group int. checks

I should really be doing more important things right now, but Christmas break is coming up and if my memory is to be trusted, it'll be school again before I can get a role play up and running if I wait until then. So. I'm looking for one or two people to RP with, no more than two. I once let a bunch of people into a role play that was supposed to only have three players total and things quickly got way out of hand, so I'm putting my foot down this time. I'll not have any more than two other people in this RP. I've got a few ideas myself, but I'm open to any of yours. Keep in mind that I'm pretty uptight about grammar, so please at least know the difference between "you're" and "your." If you don't, though, check this out-- . I won't hassle you about slang or chatspeak if you know when and where to use it. I don't care too much about post length, but detail's nice. Shoot for maybe a paragraph per post. If you like longer posts, I'll try to match mine to yours.

The stuff I'll RP with:
Any kind of fantasy, including its sub-genres--dark, modern, medieval, etc.
Sci-fi--I really like playing with dystopian societies, steampunk, and fantasy/sci-fi blends.
Pre-made story worlds--if you're writing a story and want to RP with the world you've made, I'm more than happy to join.

Stuff I'm not comfortable/skilled with, but willing to try out:
Realistic/modern-day things
Romance (I'm okay to try some romance, but I'd like to keep it controlled and realistic and not gushy.)

Stuff I won't do:
Fanfiction (You'd be hard-pressed to find any fandom I'd know anything about, anyway)
Anything R-rated
Boarding schools or vampires, unless you can convince me that your idea is really original
Band RPs


1.) Trapped in the Witch's Mansion: Our characters wake up to find themselves locked in a labyrinthine castle in the hands of a bored witch looking for some sadistic entertainment. They must search for the key to freedom, all the while avoiding traps, solving puzzles, and keeping each other alive. Death and injury are very possible in this RP.

2.) Choose your own adventure: Remember those old books where you spent half your time reading and the other half flipping through the book, looking for the right page? This will be kind of like that, except I'll make it up as we go. I'll do all the writing and you can have your character decide which path to take. A detailed character profile is encouraged so I can write them well.

3.) DINOSAURS!: A civilization has risen and fallen. All humanity has now are solar-powered laser guns and the dinosaurs they cloned from fossilized blood. Tribes of people with tamed dinosaurs, among them utahraptors (, triceratops (, and parkosaurus ( live nomadic lives in what used to be North America, having epic dinosaur races, epic laser gun battles, and epic laser gun battles while riding racing dinosaurs. The Rule of Cool and the Rule of Funny drive this RP.


nba season we bought a zoo we bought a zoo iron bowl iron bowl bo jackson bo jackson

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